Millennials' Traditional TV Consumption Trends, 2011-2014 [CHART]

Millennials' Traditional TV Consumption Trends, 2011-2014 [CHART]

The latest TV viewing figures are in, and with more than 3 years’ worth of data to examine, it’s possible to see some real trends emerging in Americans’ TV viewing habits. The short of it? Yes, Millennials as a whole are consuming less TV – and they watch a lot less than older Americans. And, as the data in this latest cross-platform report from Nielsen attests, the drop-off in viewing by the 18-24 demo is intensifying again.

Nielsen’s most recent study indicates that Americans aged 18-24 watched a weekly average of 19 hours of traditional TV during Q2 2014. That was a substantial 2-and-a-half-hour drop-off from Q2 2013, which in turn had been down by an hour from the year before. In fact, in the space of 3 years, Q2 TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds dropped by more than 5 hours per week. That’s a considerable amount, equivalent to roughly 45 minutes per day. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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