B2B Product Spending Growth By Industry, 2013 [CHART]

B2B Product Spending Growth By Industry, 2013 [CHART]

Business spending has seen “modest growth” over the last few years, reports Epsilon in its 2014 Multichannel Trend Report, with spending increasing by 3% since 2011. But online product sales are increasing more rapidly, up by almost 8% between 2011 and 2013; online sales (versus mail order/call center) have grown to represent roughly 65% of all sales last year, representing close to a 5% point increase in share from 2011. The study also identifies the industries and categories seeing the biggest increases in spend.

Last year, companies in the finance and insurance industry saw the largest increase in spending, at 6%, followed by heavy industry (5%) and retail and restaurants (5%). Spending growth was more modest for those in the business and legal (3%) and education (1%) industries, while dipping among those in the health (-1%) and government (-1%) sectors.  Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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