Top Challenges Of Marketing Personalization, June 2014 [CHART]

Top Challenges Of Marketing Personalization, June 2014 [CHART]

Analytics may help, but based on June 2014 polling by Experian Data Quality, data issues were still among the main challenges of personalization. While gaining insight quickly enough was the top hurdle to executing personalization, cited by 40% of US data management professionals, having enough data ranked a close second, at 39%. Inaccurate data rounded out the top three challenges.

Those who can master the art of personalization stand to see improvement across a handful of processes. Customer prioritization and cross-sell/upsell offers were the top processes improved by personalization, cited by 69% and 63% of respondents to the Experian survey, respectively. Relevancy and loyalty offers (58%), brand integrity (51%) and efficiency in internal routing (49%) also saw enhancements thanks to personalization efforts. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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