How Much Mothers Spend On Unplanned Purchases For Family, June 2014 [CHART]

How Much Mothers Spend On Unplanned Purchases For Family, June 2014 [CHART]

Mothers were most likely to spend between $16 and $30 on unplanned purchases (29% of respondents), though nearly one-quarter admitted to overspending by $31 to $50. Just 2% overspent by less than $5, and only 1% said they never bought unplanned items.

Despite all of this overspending, mothers appear to be turning to mobile while in-store to save some money—more so than women without children. December 2013 polling by found that the majority (55.0%) of US mother smartphone users used their phones to find coupons while grocery shopping, compared with 38.3% of nonmother shoppers. In addition, half of mothers said they compared prices on their smartphones as they grocery shopped, while 38.3% of nonmothers did the same. Using digital coupons was also more popular among those with kids, with 37.2% saying they used them, compared with 32.1% of respondents who did not have children. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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