German Smart Phone Users By Age, 2013 & 2014 [CHART]

German Smart Phone Users By Age, 2013 & 2014 [CHART]

Smartphones are in the ascendant in Germany. In a May 2014 BITKOM survey conducted by ARIS, 55% of consumers ages 14 and older said they used a smartphone at least occasionally, compared with 41% a year earlier. In fact, this surge in usage had made smartphones more widespread than feature phones, which were used by 52% of respondents.

Between 2013 and 2014, smartphone usage rose dramatically in all age brackets. Among consumers ages 14 to 29, penetration grew from 65% to 78%, and 30- to 49-year-olds had also embraced higher-end phones, pushing penetration from 49% to 70%. Usage climbed from 40% to 47% among respondents in the 50-to-64 bracket, and among those ages 65 and older, penetration more than doubled, from an admittedly low 7% to 17%. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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