B2B & B2C Social Media Leads & Sales By Channel [CHART]

Chart - B2B & B2C Social Media Leads & Sales By Channel

9 in 10 digital marketers are spending on social media, and 8 in 10 say they have generated leads or sales from their activities, with performance varying by company type and social network, per results from a Webmarketing123 survey. Some 39% of B2B marketers report generating leads from Facebook, and 19% report generating sales from the social network, Somewhat predictably, B2C marketers have far higher success with Facebook, with 67% generating leads and 39% generating sales.

The numbers reverse on the more professionally-oriented LinkedIn, as data from the August “State of Digital Marketing 2012 Report” indicates. 44% of B2B marketers report generating leads on LinkedIn, and 23% generate sales, the highest percentages for B2B companies among the 5 social networks identified. By contrast, 21% of B2C companies say they have generated leads from LinkedIn, with 9% generating sales. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
