Consumer Attitudes Toward Rebates, May 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Consumer Attitudes Toward Rebates

Consumers like rebates and are willing to go out of their way to get them, finds parago in its 3rd annual Shopper Behavior Study. 83% of respondents said they like to find rebates when shopping in-store, and the same percentage said that a discount via rebate is attractive when shopping online. 73% also believe that rebates provide a larger cost savings than other promotions, and a majority would prefer a rebate over a less attractive instant discount. That is, 65% would choose a $100 rebate over a $75 instant discount, and 74% would take a $30 rebate over an $18 instant discount.

Consumers are willing to go the extra mile for those rebates, too. 93% of respondents would drive 5-10 minutes out of their way (10-20 minutes round trip) for a $20 rebate on a $50 product, and 81% would do so for a $10 rebate. Interestingly, that latter inclination holds true across income segments, ranging from 77% of those with less than $50,000 in annual income to 86% of those with $100,000 or more in annual income. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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