Facebook Smart Phone Use By Weekday vs Weekend, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Facebook Smart Phone Use By Weekday vs Weekend

new study from IDC, sponsored by Facebook, suggests that smartphone owners spend more time accessing Facebook and engaging in a variety of activities on the social network on the weekend. The survey, of 7,446 18-44-year-old iPhone and Android smartphone owners in the US reveals that the 70% who use Facebook on their device spend more than twice as much time doing so on the weekend (defined as Friday through Sunday) than on a typical weekday (41.6 minutes vs. 19.5 minutes).

The average time spent with Facebook on a daily basis is just over a half-hour, constituted as follows: 16.4 minutes checking the newsfeed; 9.5 minutes messaging; and 6.6 minutes posting status updates and/or photos. (The 32+ minutes spent per day is higher than estimates from J.D. Power & Associates, detailed here, which did appear low.)

On the average day, a smartphone owner who uses Facebook is likely to have almost 14 social networking sessions, rising to 17.6 on the weekend, compared to 8.3 on weekdays. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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