Affluents' Multi-Screen Behavior, March 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Affluents' Multi-Screen Behavior

51% of affluents have engaged with social media about a TV program while watching that program, finds Ipsos MediaCT in its latest Mendelsohn Affluent Barometer. The survey, of adults living in households with at least $100,000 in annual household income, finds that this segment of the population displays a tendency to multi-task, with 58% of smart phone owners and 53% of tablet owners at least “regularly” using their devices while watching TV.

This inclination to dual-screen might be related to the age breakdown of American affluents. According to prior results from Ipsos, the majority of affluents are Millennials (20%) and Generation Xers (33%). These younger groups are more likely than their older counterparts to own multiple connected devices and engage in a variety of online activities. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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