American Smart Phone Adoption [CHART]

Chart - American Smart Phone Adoption

During the 3-month average ending in November 2012, 53% of US mobile subscribers owned a smart phone, according to the latest figures from comScore MobiLens. That’s up from 51.9% in October, after passing the majority threshold in September. In November 2011, just 39.1% of US mobile subscribers owned a smart phone, meaning that market penetration has increased almost 36% since then.

Along with that growth, smartphone-related mobile activities also continue to become more popular. For the 3-month average ending in November, 54.2% of mobile subscribers downloaded applications (up 0.8% from the prior 3-month average), 52.1% used a browser (up 0.1%), and 39.2% accessed a social networking site or blog (up 0.9%). That last figure has been growing steadily, as Nielsen also reports that mobile use is contributing to an overall growth in social media consumption. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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