Holiday Online Deal Seeking By Income, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Holiday Online Deal Seeking By Income

Newly-released survey results from The Conference Board examine the planned behaviors of households intending to purchase holiday gifts, and the results appear to reveal consumers’ belief that the best deals will be found online. Among those intending to purchase holiday gifts, 51.3% of those at the lowest income level (under $15,000) think that at least one-quarter of their purchases will be discounted or on sale. At the highest level of income ($50,000 or more), 70.6% believe at least one-quarter of their holiday gift baskets will be purchased on sale. That’s certainly a surprising result, given that one might expect lower-income consumers to shop more exclusively for deals.

What’s interesting, though, is that the gap between lower- and higher-income respondents corresponds to their shopping destinations, too. For the lowest income segment, just 14% plan to purchase at least one-quarter of their gifts online. For the highest income segment, that figure rises to 51.8%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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