Budget Cuts To Fund Digital Video [CHART]

Chart - Budget Cuts To Fund Digital Video

Fully 97% of more than 700 surveyed professionals from across the digital media industry report that their digital video ad spending is up this year, for an average increase of 27%, and respondents expect spending on digital video to be up another 20% in 2013, according to Digiday and Adap.tv in a November 2012 report. Interestingly, though, anticipated cuts in traditional media to fund this budget growth have not materialized as much as expected. Instead, digital video is increasingly getting its own budget line.

Across the agencies, brands, publishers, ad networks, and demand side platforms (DSPs) surveyed, the researchers found that while 34% had estimated last year that broadcast TV budgets would be cannibalized to fund digital video, only 27% say that this happened. Similarly, cable budgets were used less than anticipated (13% vs. 23%), as were print (30% vs. 36%) and outdoor (5% to 7%) budgets. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
