Professionals & Online Peer Group Activity

Illustration - Professionals & Online Peer Group Activity

The Social Mind study, conducted by the Society for New Communications Research, surveyed 300 professionals and found that by far the most frequent use of social media amongst professionals was interacting with their peers in professional communities.

Key findings of the Social Mind Study include:

  • Professionals spend 40% of their time online interacting in peer-based communities, closely followed by interactions with friends (31%), and 13% of time interacting with family online.
  • 65% participate to engage with a professional community of colleagues and peers via social media networks.
  • 80% participate in groups online to help others by sharing information, ideas and experiences.
  • 82% exchange information with professional networks and 78% exchange information online with friends, whereas 37% exchange information with “experts.”

Read the rest at Social Business News.

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