Mobile Gift Buying During The Holidays, 2011 & 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Gift Buying During The Holidays

With the holiday season on the horizon, retailers are gearing up for the rush of gift shopping that accompanies the last few months of the year. A September 2012 survey of US online buyers, conducted by market consultancy the e-tailing group and ecommerce service provider MarketLive, found that ecommerce will continue to siphon business away from traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, with mobile playing a growing role in that evolution.

Mobile has emerged as a channel that provides shoppers with a new level of convenience in both researching and making purchases, and the trend shows no sign of abating in the near term. The survey found that the number of online purchasers who planned to buy a gift on a mobile device this holiday season almost doubled to 21%, up from 11% in 2011. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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