Bring Your Own Device Policies, October 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Bring Your Own Device Policies

Whatever their security concerns about critical data, some companies do not enforce stringent bring-your-own-data (BYOD) policies for using personal devices to access corporate data. That’s according to The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in a recent report sponsored by Cisco, which found 1 in 5 senior executives from around the world saying their companies place no restrictions on their access to whatever data is available. The other companies employ a mix of policies to limit data breaches, the most common being to require sign-off on an acceptable use policy (32%). Some 31% of executives report that their organizations require defined security software on personal devices, and 25% of organizations specify approved devices, or, require a secure virtual environment on personal devices. As “Secure Data Access in a Mobile Universe” describes, 21% of respondents report that their companies require IT management on personal devices (e.g., remotely wiping a lost or stolen device), 18% restrict mobile data access to specific apps, and 14% monitor applications on devices. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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