Global Marketing Budgets, October 2011 – September 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Global Marketing Budgets

Marketing budgets continue to be squeezed around the world, details the September Warc Global Marketing Index (GMI). The budget component of the index stands at 48 this month, up from 46.1 last month, but continuing a 4-month run below the threshold score of 50. (A score above 50 indicates a generally improving environment, while a score below 50 indicates a generally declining environment.) Marketers in the Americas are the only to record positive growth, with a score of 53.5, stable from August. Asia-Pacific showed some improvement, up 3.1 points to a score of 49.1, as did Europe, up 3.9 points to 44.8. Still, budgets in both regions remain below the threshold level and are therefore still declining.

Over the past year, the global marketing budget index score has been in positive territory for only 3 months. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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