Unique Passwords Per Person [CHART]

Chart - Unique Passwords Per Person

88% of online adults don’t like being asked to register on a website, with 51% of those turned off by the idea of having to remember another user name or password, according to an August 2012 study by Janrain, conducted by Harris Interactive. This aversion stems from an excess of unique passwords they have to remember: 58% of the respondents said they have 5 or more unique passwords associated with their online logins. 30% have 10 or more, and 8% have more than 21 or more.

37% of the respondents said they have to ask for help on their user name or password for at least one website per month. A previous survey from Janrain released in January found 90% of respondents claiming to have left a website when they forgot their login information, rather than recovering that information. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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