Barcode Scanners By Generation, Q4 2011-Q2 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Barcode Scanners By Generation, Q4 2011-Q2 2012

Q2 saw more than 16 million mobile barcode scans via ScanLife, as more than 4 million consumers came through the ScanLife system for the first time, according to  a new report from Scanbuy. Among mobile barcode scanners, exactly half were aged 35 or older in Q2, representing a 22% increase from 41% share of scanners in Q1 and a 28% increase from 39% in Q4 2011. While a plurality (26%) of barcode scanners were aged 25-34 in Q2, this represents a big drop from 35% in Q1. Instead, those aged 35-44 have grown to 24% share, from 20% in Q1, while the 45-54 set (15% vs. 12%) and 55+ bracket (11% vs. 9%) also represent a growing proportion of barcode scanners. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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