Coronavirus’ Effect On Mental Health

Chart: Coronavirus' Effect On Mental Health

According to August 2020 data from Oracle, nearly four in 10 respondents reported feeling more stressed, while nearly as many cited a lack of work-life balance as affecting their mental status.

Loneliness and burnout were other key reasons reported in the study. See the rest at eMarketer.

Specifically, 38% of respondents reported that the Coronavirus pandemic has caused them to experience more stress. That’s hardly surprising in and of itself, but especially when you consider the rest of the findings from the survey.

Thirty-five percent cited a lack of work/life balance as an adverse effect of the pandemic. While it could be argued that this was a problem pre-pandemic, having to suddenly deal with child care and work and distance learning has certainly upped the stress level significantly.

Considering that, then, it makes sense that twenty-five percent of respondents said the pandemic was burning them out.

Another twenty-five percent said the lack of socialization was causing them to become depressed and, relatedly, fourteen percent cited loneliness as an effect of COVID-19.

More About How The Pandemic Has Changed Things

Work From Home Is Here To Stay

San Francisco ad agency Traction broke its lease and will work remotely indefinitely in yet another sign of the impact of the pandemic on work.

LinkedIn’s Labor Stress Index

LinkedIn’s Labor Stress Index tracks the degree to which the labor forces within 21 industries are feeling stress.

Economic Effects Of COVID-19 By Race Or Ethnicity

One-in-four adults have had trouble paying their bills since the coronavirus outbreak started and a third have dipped into savings or retirement accounts to make ends meet.

Coronavirus Social Bubbles

Nearly half of Americans say they’ve established social ‘bubbles’ of people they can trust to follow the rules for minimizing the risk of spreading the coronavirus.

Coronavirus Alcohol Purchases By Generation

Since we don’t have to drive to a virtual happy hour, it appears many of us are drinking more alcohol as a result.

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