Email Re-Engagement Tactics Effectiveness [CHART]

Chart: Email Re-Engagement Tactics Effectiveness

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of B2C and B2B marketers agree that email is either the most or one of the most important marketing channels available. Return Path’s new report also reveals that the majority (80%) of marketers surveyed believe that email’s effectiveness is improving or, at least, remaining steady.

Even with a high rate of effectiveness, marketers still must deal with inactive email subscribers. But more than half (56%) of respondents said they do not actively try to re-engage inactive subscribers. Of the 44% who do create targeted campaigns for re-engagement, two-fifths (39%) find that free resource offers are effective, marking the highest rate of satisfaction of the 5 campaign types identified.

Customer testimonials and making subscribers aware of new products or services tie for the second-most effective re-targeting campaigns, with 37% reporting using them effectively. Coupons/discounts and surveys are also considered by more to be effective than ineffective, though the gap is narrower for surveys than for other types.

Pursuing increased engagement is one of the best ways to ward off inactive subscribers, and marketers are using a variety of tricks up their sleeve to keep their subscribers enthused.

Personalization is one such strategy used by 4 in 5 of the survey participants. The largest share (42%) of the marketers surveyed used segment level personalization, about twice as many as are focused on a combination of segment-level and individual-level personalization (20%). The study did find that about one-fifth focus exclusively on individual-level personalization, which was found to generate better open rates, clicks and engagement. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
