Attitudes Toward Facebook [CHART]

Chart: Attitudes Toward Facebook

Facebook is useful as a communications tool, but it’s not perceived to be cool and few people think it’s safe from hackers. Those are among the perceptions uncovered by The Verge in a survey of the public’s attitudes towards the big tech companies.

The survey asked respondents which of several statements they agree with concerning Facebook.

The results bring to mind research released a couple of years ago in which teens valued Facebook for communications but were less likely to deem it “cool” than other platforms. In the meantime, Facebook has dropped out of the running to be teens’ favorite social platform.

In terms of Facebook’s activities, respondents to The Verge’s survey said that their most common one is sending private messages to friends or family (66%), followed by sharing personal photos or videos (55%). A majority (52%) also say they read, watch or share news about the world – another indication of its potency as a news source, which is obviously a subject of great debate at the moment as to its classification as a “media” platform. Read the rest at

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