Percentage Of American Sports Fans By Sport [CHART]

Chart: Percentage Of American Sports Fans By Sport

College football is now almost as popular as professional football in the US, finds Gallup in newly-released survey results. The study indicates that there’s been a substantial decline over the past 5 years in the number of pro football fans, down from 67% to 57% of the adult population. Although Gallup doesn’t conduct this study every year, the last time it registered popularity that low was in 2000 (54%).

The numbers are generally in line with previous research: in 2011, AdWeek and the Harris Poll found that two-thirds of US adults watched the NFL.

By comparison, college football fandom has seen a slight increase over the past 5 years, per Gallup, up 2% points to 56% counting themselves as fans. Read the rest at

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