B2B Content Priorities [CHART]

Chart: B2B Content Priorities

The latest annual B2B Content Marketing report [PDF] is out from the Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs and Brightcove. The headline result is that considerably more B2B content marketers this year than last are focused on building audiences. But does that mean that the content itself is becoming more customer-centric?

A Few Key Stats to Start

Before getting to audiences, here a few broad stats to set the scene from this year’s study.

  • 91% of B2B marketers are using content marketing, up from 89% last year.
  • 34% describe their maturity level as “sophisticated” or “mature,” a step up from last year’s 28%.
  • Content marketers estimate allocating 26% of their overall marketing budgets to content, down from 29% last year. Those who describe their maturity as “sophisticated” or “mature” allocate one-third of their budgets to content.
  • 56% are “extremely” or “very” committed to content marketing, down from last year’s 63%.
  • 24% rate the success of their approach as “extremely” or “very” successful, up slightly from 22% last year.

Read the rest at MarketingCharts.com.

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