Where American Inventors Grow Up [MAP]

Map: Where Inventors Grow Up

The Equality of Opportunity Project released recent research findings [PDF] on the dynamics of innovation in America, focusing specifically on where geographically inventors grew up.

New York Times columnist David Leonhardt observes:

The key phrase in the research paper is “lost Einsteins.” It’s a reference to people who could “have had highly impactful innovations” if they had been able to pursue the opportunities they deserved, the authors write. Nobody knows precisely who the lost Einsteins are, of course, but there is little doubt that they exist.

Not surprisingly, children who excelled in math were far more likely to become inventors. But being a math standout wasn’t enough. Only the top students who also came from high-income families had a decent chance to become an inventor.

This fact may be the starkest: Low-income students who are among the very best math students — those who score in the top 5 percent of all third graders — are no more likely to become inventors than below-average math students from affluent families.

Read the rest at the New York Times.

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