Technographics Of American Mothers [CHART]

Chart: US Mothers Technographics

Some 39% of women aged 18-49 in the US have a child under the age of 12, including 46% of women aged 35-49, according to a recent report from Nielsen. Almost three-quarters of these moms are working moms in the labor force, a percentage that increases with age. The study breaks down moms’ technology ownership and media habits, analyzing differences between working moms and stay-at-home moms.

Across 10 technologies, the report reveals that ownership levels are universally greater among working than stay-at-home moms. The gap in ownership is particularly acute for DVRs (56% and 48%, respectively), video game consoles (71% vs. 65%), subscription video on demand (SVOD: 74% vs. 65%), broadband internet (84% vs. 76%), PCs (83% vs. 76%) and tablets (80% vs. 72%). Nielsen’s analysts attribute these discrepancies to working moms generally being more affluent and more apt to be living in high-tech homes. Greater levels of DVR and SVOD ownership are linked to on-demand alternatives for moms spending more time outside of the home. Read the rest at

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