US Smartphone Buyers, 2014-2020 [CHART]

US Smartphone Buyers, 2014-2020 [CHART]

Next year will mark a milestone for US eCommerce, as more than half of digital buyers in the country will use a smartphone to complete a purchase during 2017. According to eMarketer’s latest forecast, 95.1 million Americans ages 14 and older, or 51.2% of digital buyers, will make at least one purchase via a smartphone.

Looking at sales, 2017 will also be a benchmark year as $75.51 billion, or 50.0% of all retail mcommerce sales, will be transacted on smartphones. That will be up from 48% in 2016. As smartphones’ share of mcommerce sales continues to rise, tablets’ share will continue to fall. This year, tablets will capture 50.6% of mcommerce sales, with that figure falling to 48.7% next year. For perspective, mCommerce this year will represent 32.0% of all ecommerce sales, but just 2.6% of total retail sales. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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