US Baby Boomer Smartphone Users, 2014-2019 [CHART]

US Baby Boomer Smartphone Users, 2014-2019 [CHART]

Many boomers have smartphones. But this “many” does not rise to the level of “most.” eMarketer estimates that 87.4% of boomers will have a mobile phone this year—close to the figures for millennials (95.1%) and Gen Xers (94.4%). The big difference comes in the percentage of mobile phone owners who have smartphones: 64.4% among boomers, vs. 88.6% among millennials and 83.2% among Gen Xers.

Multiplying out these disparities, one sees that a modest majority of all boomers have smartphones: 56.3%, compared with 84.3% of all millennials and 78.5% of all Gen Xers. Even by the end of the decade, eMarketer expects just two-thirds of all boomers (including three-fourths of boomers with mobile phones) will have smartphones, vs. more than nine in 10 millennials and Gen Xers. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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