Types Of Information Health Self-Trackers Monitor, December 2014 [CHART]

Types Of Information Health Self-Trackers Monitor, December 2014 [CHART]

New technologies have made monitoring fitness and health anywhere, at any time, on any device easy for consumers, and a December 2014 study by Rocket Fuel found that usage was picking up. Among US internet users, 31% identified themselves as “self-trackers”—those who monitor health via apps, smart watches, wearable fitness trackers and/or websites. An additional 25% of non-users were interested in using self-trackers, and 20% lived with someone who used one.

Weight and calorie counting played big roles in usage. Self-trackers were most likely to use these tools to monitor weight (51%), while 47% focused on calories burned and 42% on diet and calories consumed. Despite this, less than one-quarter looked at a more detailed summary of body fat. Self-trackers were also interested in tracking distance, with 47% monitoring steps taken. Health and wellness info that some may consider more serious issues—heart rate and blood pressure, for example—weren’t as important. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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