Frequency With Which Mobile Moms Use Devices While Watching TV, July 2014 [CHART]

Frequency With Which Mobile Moms Use Devices While Watching TV, July 2014 [CHART]

According to Google Consumer Surveys in April 2014, “New and expecting parents are 2.7 times more likely than non-parents to use a smartphone as their primary device.” This primary status is reflected in the range of functions the phones routinely perform for mothers. BabyCenter found that 90% of smartphone mothers said they text daily. Large numbers also used it that often to access social media, play games and watch videos.

With all they need to do, plus some of what they want to do, it stands to reason that mothers are chronic multitaskers. But while their facility in multitasking is an accomplishment of sorts, it is not one they always relish.

If a mother cannot quite recall what happened in a TV show she just watched, it is not hard to see why. Edison Research’s survey found 76% of mothers share their TV-viewing time with internet usage, up from 66% in 2013. Yahoo’s report said 57% of mothers multitask TV and internet usage daily. In the BabyCenter survey, large numbers of mothers reported using mobile devices “all the time” or “often” while watching TV. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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