In-Store Mobile Researchers, March 2014 [CHART]

In-Store Mobile Researchers, March 2014 [CHART]

For now, most research time is still spent on PCs. As demonstrated by March 2014 xAd and Telmetrics data, the desktop remains the device where even consumers with mobile devices spend the majority of their time when researching auto. That finding was in stark contrast to their behavior in other verticals.

These results are surprising considering the dealership stood out in the same study as a place where consumers wanted to use their mobile devices. In fact, auto dealerships out-indexed every other vertical in the survey as a place where shoppers would want to use their devices in-store.

The culprit, many suggest, is content. Few dealer sites provide the information the customer is looking for on-site—pricing, inventory data, special offers. Worse still, many dealers don’t have a mobile-optimized site at all. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
