US Smart-Home Device Shipments, 2014-2017 [CHART]

US Smart-Home Device Shipments, 2014-2017 [CHART]

2015 is set to be the year of the internet of things, with connected homes one of the hottest topics. According to data released in October 2014 by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and Parks Associates, shipments of both smart-home devices and controllers will rise by 20% or more annually in the coming years.

Coming in at 20.7 million this year, US smart-home device shipments were expected to rise 20.3% next year to reach 24.9 million. And by 2017, CEA and Parks estimated that total shipments of devices such as smart thermostats and smart door locks would near 36 million.

Meanwhile, smart-home controller shipments were forecast to increase almost 36% between 2014 and 2015 to near 2 million. Following growth of 31.6% in 2016 and 24.0% in 2017, CEA and Parks projected that total shipments of smart-home controllers would top 3 million in the next three years. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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