Millennials Who Feel Their Peers Share Too Much Online, August 2014 [CHART]

Millennials Who Feel Their Peers Share Too Much Online, August 2014 [CHART]

Younger consumers are calling out their peers for digital oversharing. In an August 2014 study by Camp Mobile, 81% of US teens and young adult internet users felt people their age shared too much information online—and the majority of that group “strongly” agreed that this was the case.

However, this may change soon as a result of security and privacy concerns around online sharing—who wants to risk having the wrong person find out all of their personal details? More than two in five (42%) 13- to 22-year-olds said they were sharing less online than they had two years ago, compared with just 17% who had increased these actions.

Of course, even if they’re able to cut out some of the noise, younger consumers won’t stop sharing info online completely. Camp Mobile found that teen and young adult internet users were all about photos when sharing content on social media—they’re not often referred to as the selfie generation for nothing. Those ages 13 to 22 were most likely to post pictures of themselves (60% of respondents), with photos of friends and family the second most popular content type. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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