Twitter Engagement Rates By Day Of The Week, 2013 [CHART]

Twitter Engagement Rates By Day Of The Week, 2013 [CHART]

What’s the best time of day, day of the week, and month of the year to tweet? ExactTarget has some answers in a new report based off more than 3.6 million tweets sent through its platform by companies in 15 industries. The analysis looks at post engagement rates (organic and paid) in the aggregate and across various industries, arriving at some interesting conclusions.

Looking first at months of the year, the study reveals that brands tend to send fewer tweets early in the year, with their activities picking up significantly in the second half of the year and peaking in October. There doesn’t seem to be any clear frequency-related trend in terms of average replies per tweet, though, which are highest in May (4.9) and October (4.8). There is slightly more of a correlation with average number of retweets, which tend to be higher in the second half of the year, with the largest figure occurring in December (32.8 average). Follower growth – the companies tracked averaged a 43% increase in follower count throughout the year – might have played a role in the higher average number of retweets occurring in the latter part of the year. Read the rest at Marketing.

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