Where People Get Financial Advice By Demographic, July 2014 [TABLE]

Where People Get Financial Advice By Demographic, July 2014 [TABLE]

When it comes to finance-related guidance, women still take the traditional route, according to a July 2014 study by Wells Fargo and Gallup. Among US female investors surveyed, just 14% of respondents said they turned to financial websites for advice.

Instead, women were most likely to use a dedicated financial advisor for assistance with investing and planning for retirement, cited by 46%. Financial advisory firms were the second most popular source, and family and friends landed in third place.

The study found low comfort levels among US female investors when it came to using digital technology for financial guidance. The majority (51%) of women said they were “not comfortable” with using online or mobile financial advice technology, compared with 26% who were “very comfortable” and 24% who were “somewhat comfortable.” Read the rest at eMarketer.

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