Monthly TV Everywhere Videos Viewed By Device, Q1 2013 & Q1 2014 [CHART]

Monthly TV Everywhere Videos Viewed By Device, Q1 2013 & Q1 2014 [CHART]

Consumers want access to anything, anytime, anywhere—including television. One solution? TV Everywhere—services that enable cable and network customers to watch TV content on any internet-connected device by authenticating their subscriptions. Based on Q1 2014 data from Adobe Digital Index, such services may be working.

According to the research, the number of unique TV Everywhere visitors in the US rose 157% between Q1 2013 and Q1 2014 and 49% between Q4 2013 and Q1 2014. The number of videos each visitor watched monthly also saw impressive growth: 133% across all device types. On top of that, the number of pay TV households in the US using devices and browsers to access TV Everywhere content grew 31% between Q3 2013 and Q1 2014 to reach 21% of the total—an all-time high. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
