B2B Incremental eCommerce Revenue, May 2014 [CHART]

B2B Incremental eCommerce Revenue, May 2014 [CHART]

Online purchases are becoming more common among young B2B procurers, per research released last year, and a majority of vendors in the US and Europe agree that B2B commerce is shifting from offline to online and self-service, primarily to meet customer demand. In fact, according to a newly-released survey commissioned by EPiServer and conducted by Forrester Consulting among 100 US firms that have implemented B2B e-commerce solutions in the last 7 years, 31% of the revenue their e-commerce system books is believed to be incremental.

Not surprisingly, given that result, respondents are enthusiastic about the e-commerce solutions they’ve implemented. Virtually all feel that their solution is important to growing revenue, and roughly 9 in 10 believe it to be important for attracting new customers, improving customer retention/satisfaction, lowering costs, and gaining a competitive market advantage. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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