Share Of Weekly US Blog Posts vs Social Shares By Day Of The Week, April 2014 [CHART]

Share Of Weekly US Blog Posts vs Social Shares By Day Of The Week, April 2014 [CHART]

According to an April 2014 study from TrackMaven, bloggers were most likely to post their content on weekdays, with 87% of weekly blog content pushed out between Monday and Friday.

But do blog readers—who will total 76.1 million in the US this year, or 23.9% of the population, eMarketer estimates—show the same behavior when sharing the content on social networks? Based on TrackMaven’s research, their habits were the opposite. Though just 13.1% of blog posts were published on Saturday or Sunday, that content accounted for 32.6% of total weekly social shares. Broken down by day, blog content posted on both Saturdays and Sundays saw higher social share percentages than any weekday, indicating that marketers posting to blogs could get a bigger bang for their buck by publishing posts when readers have more time to read and share—on the weekends. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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