Coupons' Influential Over Brand Choice, April 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Coupons' Influential Over Brand Choice

Coupons exert a strong influence on shoppers’ brand decisions, say The Integer Group and M/A/R/C Research in newly-released survey results. Some 44% of respondents reported that coupons are very (26%) or extremely (18%) influential in their choice of a specific brand of product. As it turns out, that decision seems to often go in favor of the brand they’re already familiar with: two-thirds said they use coupons to buy familiar brands rather than to try new ones.

So coupons, in other words, are a valuable way for consumers to save money on their favorite brands.

When it comes to the coupon itself, the critical attribute by a sizable margin is its value, with 68% choosing this as the most important attribute. (Others options included: whether the coupon is for instant use vs. next purchase; and the store where the coupon can be used.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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