Millennials & Boomers Willingness To Share Personal Data, March 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Millennials & Boomers Willingness To Share Personal Data

6 in 10 US Millennials claim that they would be willing to share personal information with marketers, while Baby Boomers would be much less likely to do so, according to results from a Mintel study. That gap even extends to those unwilling to share information: at least 30% of Millennials who would not provide private information said they would be swayed by an incentive offer, while only 13% of reluctant Baby Boomers agreed. A separate study [PDF] from Communispace comes to similar conclusions.

Indeed, when Communispace asked respondents whether they would share their data for perks, Millennials (in this case, aged 13-31) were most likely to agree, with that likelihood decreasing with each generation. Similarly, younger generations were the most likely to say they would voluntarily share personal data with a company in exchange for a 5% price discount. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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