American Tablet Penetration, January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - American Tablet Penetration

44% of US online consumers owned tablets as of December 2013, up 6 points from a year earlier, according to new Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) estimates. For its part, the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project says that 42% of US adults now own a tablet, citing results from a survey [PDF] conducted early this month. That represents an 8-point increase from 34% of adults just 4 months ago. The Pew study takes a closer look at the demographics of tablet owners.

While the study did not find any significant differences in tablet adoption by gender, there appears to be some variety when sorting by race and ethnicity. Some 45% of Hispanic adults reported owning a tablet, compared to 41% of whites and 34% of blacks. Pew doesn’t report a statistically significant difference on that end, though. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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