Population Trends For The US’ 3rd Most-Populous States, 2010-2013 [CHART]

Chart - Population Trends For The US’ 3rd Most-Populous States

The Census Bureau has released its latest state population estimates, and the figures show that if current trends hold, Florida will soon overtake New York as the country’s 3rd most-populous state. As of July 1, 2013, the Census Bureau estimates that there were 19,552,860 Florida residents compared to New York’s 19,651,127, a gap of less than 100,000. Since 2010, though, Florida has added more than 700,000 residents, almost three times as many as New York (~253,000). Many new Florida residents are in fact New York transplants.

According to Census Bureau data covering 2012, the New York to Florida move was the most common state-to-state move, with almost 60,000 residents making it. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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