Reasons People Want To Keep Their Smart Phone Data Private By Demographic, October 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Reasons People Want To Keep Their Smart Phone Data Private By Demographic

As more of consumers’ lives depend on mobile devices, the chances they have something on their phones they want private has become very high. According to research, about four in five US smartphone users have private files on their devices—and the share is even higher among the youngest adults.

Overall, 81.3% of male smartphone users and 80.3% of females told KS Mobile and Harris Interactive they had reasons for keeping smartphone files private, indicating little split by gender on the general question. When it came to specific reasons why, men and women gave similar responses, with a few notable exceptions. Women were significantly less likely than men to have a security code to keep their phones private, and were also less likely than men to say they shared their phone with a significant other, friends or a family member. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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