Americans' Trust In Large Industries, December 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Americans' Trust In Large Industries

Americans are less likely to perceive large industries as “generally honest and trustworthy” this year, according to a new survey from Harris Interactive. The survey asked respondents which of 19 industries they think are generally honest and trustworthy, such that they would normally believe a statement by a company in that industry. Perceptions of honesty fell in 18 of the 19 industries, with tobacco the only one staying steady from last year – but with just 3% of adults finding the industry trustworthy.

The most trust-worthy industry again this year is supermarkets, but even it doesn’t score highly. Just 3 in 10 adults said they would normally believe a statement by a supermarket, down 8% points from 38% last year. Following supermarkets were hospitals (-8% points to 28%), online search engines (-4% points to 18%), banks (-2% points to 18%) and computer hardware companies (-3% points to 17%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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