Global Marketing Budget Trends, October 2011 – November 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Global Marketing Budget Trends

Global marketers are bullish regarding their budgets, finds Warc in its latest Global Marketing Index (GMI). This month, the budget component of the index recorded a value of 56.2, its highest value on record, and a significant 4.4-point increase from last month. (A score above 50 indicates a generally improving environment, while a score below 50 indicates a generally declining environment.) The big jump fueled the overall headline GMI to a reading of 57.8, also the highest result since the index’s inception in October 2011.

The headline GMI reflects optimism surrounding three components: budgets; trading conditions; and staffing. Each of the components rose this month from the last, with the 4.4-point climb in sentiment concerning budgets the largest absolute increase.

Europe’s budget sentiment rose this month to 56.7, also a 4.4-point increase, and the highest value recorded for the region since the start of the index. Budgets in the Asia-Pacific region continued to rebound after a soft Summer, up 3.8 points to 55.4. But it was the Americas with the biggest gain, sporting a 6.3-point jump to 57.2. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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