Smart Phone Share Of US Mobile Market, October 2011 – September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Smart Phone Share Of US Mobile Market

Smartphone penetration reached 62% of the US mobile subscriber market during the 3-month average ending in September (Q3), according to new figures from comScore, up 3% points from 59% on average during Q2. Nielsen also puts smartphone’s penetration growth at about 3% points, although it estimates that penetration stood at 64.7% in Q3, up from 62% in Q2. Both researchers concur when it comes to the top platforms, with Android at 52% share of the smartphone market and Apple at 41%.

For comScore, Android’s 51.8% share represented a slight dip from 52% in Q2, with Apple’s 40.6% share a 0.7% point increase from 39.9% the previous quarter. When compared to the 3-month average ending in August, though, the trends are different. Those figures –released last month – put Android at 51.6% share and Apple at 40.7%, such that the platforms moved in opposite directions (albeit very slightly) in this month’s findings. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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