Top Brands Adoption Of Instagram, October 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Top Brands Adoption Of Instagram

The number of Interbrand 100 brands with an Instagram account has grown to 71 as of Q3 2013, per a new study by Simply Measured, up from 59 at the beginning of February and now rivaling adoption of Google+ (73) and Pinterest (74). While the percentage of existing accounts that are active has stalled (at 65%) from the last study released in May, the results indicate a jump in the percentage of accounts posting photos on a weekly basis, along with a corresponding hike in the percentage drawing large audiences.

In this latest report, among brands with Instagram accounts, 57% posted at least a single photo per week, up from 40% just a few months ago. Brands appear to be reaping the rewards of those efforts in the form of increased follower numbers: in Q3, 44% of the accounts had at least 10,000 followers, up from 34% in the prior period, while 19% had at least 100,000 followers, up from 16%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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