Email Subscriber Activity, Q2 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Email Subscriber Activity

Epsilon’s latest quarterly study of email trends indicates that during Q2, 51% of the average email file was active, inching up from 50.1% in Q1 and 49.9% in Q4 2012. Active segments of the average email file broke down as follows: superstars – mature subscribers who have opened and/or clicked within the most recent 3 months (16%); rising stars – new subscribers who have opened and/or clicked (4%); and nappers – mature subscribers who have opened and/or clicked more than 3 months ago (31%). Activity rates were lower among new subscribers.

On average, the Epsilon data shows that 11% of an email file was new in Q2 2013, meaning that they had been on file for less than 3 months. Among these new subscribers, 36% were active after their initial opt-in (24% opening; 12% clicking), while the remaining 64% were inactive. That 64% reverses a downward trend: in Q1, 61.5% were considered active; in Q4 2012, 63.4% were inactive; and in Q3 2012, 66% were inactive.)

The consumer publishing/media general sector had the highest proportion of super stars (24%) for the second consecutive quarter, this time tied with the financial services CC/banks sector for the honor of having the highest proportion of engaged mature subscribers. Meanwhile, the retail apparel sector had easily the highest proportion of rising stars, at 10%. By contrast, the consumer services telecom (60%) had the highest average proportion of dormants. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
