Social Television Behavior By Genre, September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Social Television Behavior By Genre

Tweets influence ratings for some TV episodes, Nielsen recently declared. But are viewers tweeting during programs or tuning out during commercial breaks to join in the buzz? According to new data from SocialGuide that’s based on an analysis of 59 cable and broadcast episodes, 30% of airtime tweets are posted during commercial breaks, a figure that corresponds to the share of commercial time during the episodes’ airtimes. In other words, there’s no evidence of a spike in TV tweeting activity during ads.

Diving a little further into specifics, the study finds that the share of airtime tweets sent during commercial time ranged from a low of 8% to a high of 43%, with those figures corresponding almost exactly with the share of airtime allocated to commercials (9% of airtime for the low end; 43% for the high end). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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