Global Marketing Budgets, October 2011 – September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Global Marketing Budgets

Global marketing budgets continue to improve, per Warc’s latest Global Marketing Index (GMI). This month, the budget component of the index recorded a value of 52, up 0.5 points from last month and marking the 9th consecutive month above the threshold value of 50. (A score above 50 indicates a generally improving environment, while a score below 50 indicates a generally declining environment.) Interestingly, budget sentiment has been generally positive or improving in the Americas and Europe during the past couple of months while declining in the Asia-Pacific, which, perhaps coincidentally, is not in its Summer season.

Specifically, the data reveals that marketers in the Americas are still the most optimistic, with a reading of 55.2 (down slightly from 55.8 in July). Europe’s budget sentiment stood at 52.8, a big increase from 49.7 in July and its highest reading since the Index’s inception in October 2011. Marketing budgets in the Asia-Pacific region, meanwhile, registered the third consecutive month of declines, down 0.4 points to 47.8 this month. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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