Time Spent Watching Mobile Video, January – March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Time Spent Watching Mobile Video

It’s true that mobile video remains only a small fraction of total TV consumption, but smartphones and tablets are eating up a larger share of online video viewing, per the latest report from Ooyala. During Q1, these devices acccounted for more than 10% of online video consumption, with tablets finishing up the quarter at 5.7% share and smartphones at 4.5% share. Just 6 months ago, Ooyala was trumpeting the combined figure having crossed the 5% threshold. With more than half of smartphone and tablet video viewing time spent with long-form videos (more than 10 minutes), it’s clear that viewers are comfortable watching premium video on their devices.

In fact, smartphone long-form viewing grew by 29% year-over-year in Q1, from 41% to 53% share of consumption.

Tablet viewers in particular seem content to watch long-form content, with roughly one-quarter of viewing time spent with content more than 1 hour in length. That was the highest proportion of any of the devices measured, ahead of connected TVs and gaming consoles (CTV & GC; 23.5%), smartphones (18.1%) and desktops (12.4%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
